#1. 留置導尿管居家照顧須知(中英版) Indwelling catheter at home ...
一.One purpose: to insert the catheter through the urethra to the bladder, draining out the urine. 二.Care measures: 1 ...
#2. 留置尿管的居家照顧(Home care of in-dwelling catheter)
* 尿袋應放置在他的腰部以下以防尿液逆流,且須每8 小時或尿量在. 尿袋1/3 處須將尿倒掉。 The urinary bag is positioned below the bladder to avoid backflow of urine ...
#3. urinary catheter - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"urinary catheter" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
Urine catheter of home care · 目的: · 每日執行1~2 次尿管護理(以清水確實清洗會陰部或尿道口)。 · 觀察尿液之量、顏色、氣味及沉澱物。 · 每日至少柔捏尿管一次,避免折 ...
#5. catheter,urethral - 導尿管 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以catheter,urethral 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 ... 導尿管, urinary catheter. 學術名詞
#6. urinary catheter 中文 - 查查詞典
urinary catheter中文 意思::導尿管…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋urinary catheter的中文翻譯,urinary catheter的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#7. Foley catheter's daily care 留置導尿管的生活照顧(英文)
Why are patients in need of foley catheter insertion? To help patients with urination. To collect samples for urine test. After inserting catheters ...
#8. 長期留置導尿,什麼材質的導尿管最適合? - 奇美醫院
當個案因排尿功能障礙、尿瀦留等問題而須長期留置導尿管(Foley catheter),但要使用什麼材質導尿管較適合?王、李、江、倪和游(2009)表示長期留置導尿管最好選擇矽 ...
#9. 中文意思| 导尿术英文怎麽說| 泌尿外科医学名词-词汇翻译
urethral catheterization ,catheterization 導尿術,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,泌尿外科醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
(中文). 導尿檢體需氧培養, 檢驗健保碼, 13007C. 檢驗計. 價碼. 90214200. 檢驗項目. (英文). URINE-CATHETER ORDINARY CULTURE & SENS. TEST.
#11. 預防導尿管相關泌尿道感染組合式照護 - 台灣內科醫學會
導尿管相關泌尿道感染(catheter-associated urinary tract infections) 是相當常見的醫療照護. 相關感染,且多為抗藥性細菌引起,導致醫療照護及病人安全的問題,同時 ...
#12. 膀胱訓練對移除病人使用留置導尿管之成效- 月旦知識庫
李采君,陳可欣,黃采薇,留置導尿管,膀胱訓練,indwelling urinary catheters,bladder training,使用留置導尿管時間過久可能會對病人產生一些副作用,例如:泌, ...
#13. 导尿管(Foley) 的护理
This video demonstrates how to change your urinary (Foley) catheter drainage bag. 视频详细信息. 您每天需要更换引流袋两次:.
#14. 內科加護病房導尿管相關泌尿道感染之危險因子調查
associated UTI) 為區域醫院加護病房感染部位之第1 位,而醫學中心則為第2 ... 相關泌尿道感染(catheter-associated urinary tract infections, CAUTI) 之風險因.
#15. 留置導尿管相關泌尿道感染
Catheter -Associated Urinary Tract Infection. (CAUTI) Event. 台灣感染管制學會製作. 資料來源:. 1. (美國疾病管制中心).
#16. 清潔間歇導尿(CIC):詳細分步說明之男孩篇 - AboutKidsHealth
CIC 是一項幫助孩子清空膀胱中的小便的技術,一天內要爲孩子進行好幾次。 CIC 是Clean Intermittent Catheterization 的縮寫,是指清潔間歇導尿:. Clean(清潔):儘量 ...
#17. 4 導尿管護理的- 方式 - TMU
Bladder irrigation should not be used, except when an obstruction of the catheter is highly likely. The administration of prophylactic antimicrobial.
#18. 運用團隊資源管理降低加護病房導尿管使用率
Applying Team Resource Management to Reduce the Urinary Catheter Usage Rate in Our ... 繁體中文DOI: 10.6224/JN.202008_67(4).11 DOI.
#19. 成人短期留置導尿管的移除策略- Ellahi, A - 2021
However, the use of urinary catheters is associated with an increased risk of developing urinary tract infection.
#20. catheterization中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
Few reports, however, have addressed the overall incidence of acute complications of therapeutic cardiac catheterization in patients with congenital heart ...
#21. Care of a Foley Catheter - Simplified Chinese
A Foley catheter is a tube that is put into the bladder to drain urine out of the body. A Foley catheter can stay in the bladder for hours or weeks.
#22. 如何防止導管相關的泌尿系統感染?
Urinary Catheter Related Infection: Background. • Urinary tract infection (UTI) ... Most infections due to urinary catheters. Most infections due to urinary ...
#23. 會陰沖洗及尿管清潔Perineum Washing and Urinary Catheter ...
Urinary Catheter Cleaning. 目的:Purpose: 加強清潔外陰部及消毒導尿 ... To strengthen genitals cleaning and catheter disinfection in order to reduce odor,.
#24. 應用「導尿管移除評估指標」對泌尿道感染之成效探討
論文名稱(外文):, The Effect of an Indicator of Urinary Catheter Removal on the Urinary Tract Infection ... 語文別: 中文、中文. 論文頁數: 47.
#25. 短期導尿管留置病人移除導尿管前執行膀胱訓練之必要性
中文. 關鍵字. 同義字. MeSH. P 短期留置導尿管. Short-term urinary catheterization. Indwelling urinary catheterization;. Foley. Urinary.
#26. Foley 導尿管
Foley Catheters. 如需更多資料,請聯絡您的護士或醫生。 ... Foley(留置)導尿管是一種插入尿道的塑料管或橡膠管。 ... 在損傷初期,用Foley 導尿管引流膀胱。
#27. 以實證探討住院老人移除留置尿管處理方案
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence、思博網中文電子期刊等資 ... 感染(catheter associated urinary tract infection)、移除短期留置尿 ...
#28. [醫學筆記] 內科-導尿管相關的泌尿道感染
不同的導尿方式與感染率的關係: 間歇式導尿(Intermittent catheterization procedure, ICP) 取代長期導尿管放置是否可改善導尿管相關菌尿症及泌尿道 ...
#29. 【台北榮總泌尿部】尿管置入術Foley insertion - YouTube
Foley insertion以及相關小技巧此系列影片主要對象為Clerk~PGY,掌握原則後可自行Modify※抓取Penis手勢將於之後上傳連結至說明※**北榮泌尿部影片 ...
#30. 非侵入性膀胱餘尿測量/陳俊宏 - 長庚婦產科
陳俊宏. 餘尿測量(PVR)是評估膀胱功能的主要依據,而以往欲測餘尿(residual urine)總是依賴導尿。同時catheterization也是處理bladder overdistention的唯一方法。
#31. 泌尿道感染- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
泌尿道感染(英語:urinary tract infection,UTI),也稱為急性膀胱炎或膀胱感染,是一種會影響到 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
#32. Clean Intermittent Self Catheterization (Male) - 中大泌尿
Clean Intermittent Self Catheterization (Male). 2021-01-11 ... 成人:Nelaton catheter 呎碼l0號或12號 ... 香港中文大學何善衡泌尿中心香港中文大學外科學系.
#33. 應用「導尿管移除評估指標」對泌尿道感染之成效探討
論文名稱(外文):, The Effect of an Indicator of Urinary Catheter Removal on the Urinary Tract Infection ... 語文別: 中文. 論文頁數: 47.
#34. Introduction to Indwelling Urinary (留置尿) | 学术写作例句词典
对于许多患者来说,留置导尿管被认为是一项重要的医疗保健干预措施。 Use of indwelling catheters and preventing catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Full ...
#35. SRG-45 F
Page 1. Page 2.
#36. 常見男性下泌尿道手術的護理 - 台灣尿失禁防治協會
攝護腺.尿道(攝護腺.膜狀.球狀.陰莖尿道). 常見男性下泌尿道手術(一) (1).內視鏡手術. A.經尿道膀胱腫瘤切除術(Transurethral resection of bladder tumor; TUR-BT)
#37. urinary catheter 中文意思是什麼
urinary catheter 中文 意思是什麼 · urinary: adj. 尿的,泌尿(器)的。n. 〈pl. 〉1. 小便處。2. 尿池。 · catheter: n. 【醫學】導(液)管。vt. -ize 在…插入導管。
#38. urinary catheter翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
urinary catheter中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:導尿管。英漢詞典提供【urinary catheter】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#39. Female Intermittent Self-Catheterization 女性間歇性清潔自我導 ...
Intermittent Catheterization ( I.C. ) is a convenient, safe, and effective method for ... When the catheter is in the bladder, urine will drain out.
#40. 導尿管留置和尿路感染性結石 - 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
石生成的良好環境,(2)原本即共存的感. 布袋鎮衛生所. 關鍵詞:Urinary tract stones, urinary tract infection, catheter, encrustations, biofilm ...
#41. 膀胱訓練對移除病人使用留置導尿管之成效
中文 摘要:, 使用留置導尿管時間過久可能會對病人產生一些副作用,例如:泌尿道感染等 ... 英文摘要:, Using an indwelling urinary catheter may cause some adverse ...
#42. indwelling urinary catheter — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
What is the best choice for chronic urinary retention: indwelling catheter or clean intermittent catheterization?Objective: The aim of this study was to ...
#43. Urinary catheter 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Straight catheterization of the bladder every 4 to 6 hrs, or relief of a blocked urinary catheter tube may resolve the problem. Retrieved from Wikipedia CC BY- ...
#44. 紫色尿袋症候群: 5個案例報告及文獻回顧 - Elsevier
紫色尿袋症候群(purple urine bag syndrome, PUBS)是導尿管留置一段時間後尿袋及尿管變紫色或藍 ... 原文, 中文 ... purple urine bag; catheter; tryptophan; indole ...
#45. 居家病人存留導尿管護理指導【英文版】 Nursing Guidelines ...
導尿管留置須執行導尿管的照護,以達預防泌尿道感. 染。 I. The Purpose. Urinary catheter is placed because the patient has difficulty draining the urine by him/ ...
#46. 實證健康照護知識
中文 關鍵詞. #留置導尿管、膀胱訓練、導尿管重置率. 英文關鍵詞. #Indwelling urinary catheter # Bladder training # Urinary re-catheterization ...
#47. indwelling urinary catheter的中文意思
indwelling urinary catheter 中文 意思是什麼 · indwelling : adj. 存在於內心[靈魂]中的。 · urinary : adj. 尿的,泌尿(器)的。n. 〈pl. 〉1. 小便處。2. 尿池。
#48. Hematuria 手術後血尿 - 曾志仁醫師的網頁
是術後第幾天血尿,若手術剛從POR回來,可能是手術過程引起(可能bladder or ureter injury), ... 若是手術後幾天才發生,則考慮病人是否urethral catheter inserted?
#49. Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) | HAI | CDC
The most important risk factor for developing a catheter-associated UTI (CAUTI) is prolonged use of the urinary catheter. Therefore, catheters should only be ...
#50. 尿管-翻译为英语-例句中文
#51. urinary catheter中文翻譯 | 健康跟著走
foley catheter 醫學中文- urinarycatheter中文:導尿管…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋urinarycatheter的中文翻譯,urinarycatheter的發音,音標,用...
#52. Item 310992000Q/3813 - CTUSTIR
正體中文 | 简体中文 | 全文筆數/總筆數: 3180/3662 ... 其他題名: The Evaluation of Care Bundle at Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Intensive ...
#53. Trial Without a Catheter Programme Improves Urological ...
Acute retention of urine (AROU) is commonly occurred in patients with geriatric hip fractures after surgeries. It is common that the catheters cannot be weaned ...
#54. 出院須知:女性自插導尿管 - Fairview
因為你小便有困難,所以醫生讓你用自插導尿管(self-catheterization) 來幫助排尿。造成這個問題的原因可能是由於受傷、有疾病、受感染或其它因素。
#55. Urine culture 細菌培養鑑定檢查(尿液培養) - 花蓮慈濟醫院
Urine culture 細菌培養鑑定檢查(尿液培養) ... 樣本種類:Urine-M. stream、Urine-Catheter、Urine-Strai. catheter、Urine-Suprapubic、Urine-PCN、 ...
#56. 健康與家庭 Healifty Incontinence Care Trousers Catheter Underwear Washable Urinary Drainage Bag Urine Bag for Elderly Surgeries Patient Black XL : 健康與 ...
#57. 尿管介紹與照護. odp
Indications for urinary catheterization. 圖片1. Intermittent vs. Continuous bladder drainage. 圖片2. Latex or Silicone. Silicone rubber catheters are ...
#58. foley catheter 中文雙叉導尿管 - Cxstra
中文 品名雙叉導尿管英文品名“TOP”ALL SILICON 2-WAY FOLEY CATHETER 藥品類別0603導尿管管制藥品分類級別無紀錄主成分略述無紀錄申請商名稱南發貿易有限公司申請商地址
#59. 恥骨上膀胱導尿管插入術 - 仁安醫院
Suprapubic Catheterization (Paediatrics only). 簡介. 恥骨上膀胱導尿管插入術是把導尿管經下腹壁切口放入膀胱,如有需要,會進行膀胱鏡檢查以助. 插入恥骨上導尿管 ...
#60. 心導管檢查Cardiac catheterization
Cardiac catheterization. 一、 目的:. 心導管檢查是利用心導管注射顯影劑,進行冠狀動脈攝影,可協助心絞. 痛患者確定是否有冠狀動脈疾病,並可診斷冠狀動脈發生病灶 ...
#61. 出院須知:護理你的恥骨弓導管 - Krames Online
你出院時帶有恥骨弓導管(suprapubic catheter)。這是一個通過腹壁直接連接到你的膀胱裡的導管。導管是用來將你的尿從膀胱裡排出。使用恥骨弓導管的原因有很多。
#62. [轉載]紫尿袋症候群Purple Urine Bag Syndrome - 快樂小藥師
Purple Discoloration in a Urinary Catheter Bag Clin Infect Dis. (2002) 34 (2): 285-286. doi: 10.1086/322712. 其他的尿液顏色可以參考這邊.
#63. Foley catheter with noble metal alloy coating for preventing ...
Catheter -associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are among the most frequent healthcare-associated infections in the world. They are associated with ...
#64. file-146.doc
(ICP=Intermittent Catheterization Program). 間歇性導尿的目的. 定時將膀胱內的尿液排乾淨,以預防膀胱過度膨脹。 測出每次解尿後,膀胱內所存餘的尿。
#65. FOLEY CATHETER 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
FOLEY CATHETER ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“FOLEY CATHETER” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#66. (三) 移除留置導尿管照護指引
The indwelling urinary catheter. Principle for best practice. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 34(6), 655-663. Saint, S., Kowalski, C.P., ...
#67. 尿液檢體診斷泌尿道感染– 檢驗作業指引
泌尿道感染(Urinary tract infection, UTI)是人類最常見的感染症之ㄧ, ... 中段尿(clean-voided midstream urine). 2. 導尿(indwelling catheter).
#68. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections | RRU
The duration of catheterization is the most important factor in the development of bacteriuria with a risk of 3–7% daily, and UTI risk of 0.3% ...
#69. Care of Patient with Indwelling Urinary (Foley) Catheters
Indwelling urinary catheter : Indwelling urinary catheters often lead to urinary tract infections. Therefore, it is important to routinely ...
#70. Recommendations on Prevention of Catheter-associated ...
of Catheter-associated Urinary. Tract Infection. 2nd Edition. Scientific Committee on Infection Control, and. Infection Control Branch, Centre for Health ...
HOME Sitemap. Select Language, 繁體中文, 简体中文. About Us. Products. News. Partners. Careers. Investors. CSR. Contact Us.
#72. 心脏导管插入术- 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
登录患者账户 · 简体中文 ... .com/professional/cardiovascular-disorders/cardiovascular-tests-and-procedures/cardiac-catheterization.
#73. The timing of removing indwelling urinary catheter for patients ...
The timing of removing indwelling urinary catheter for patients ... 中国生物医学文献库( CBM )、维普中文期刊全文数据库( VIP )、万方数据 ...
#74. Catheter problems | healthdirect
A catheter is a tube that is inserted into your bladder, allowing urine (wee) to drain freely. The catheter tube is attached to a drainage bag (a catheter bag), ...
#75. Bladder Catheterization - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Tips are straight in most catheters (eg, Robinson, whistle-tip) and are used for intermittent urethral catheterization (ie, catheter is removed immediately ...
#76. What are the best strategies for removing drainage tubes ...
Urinary catheters are flexible, hollow tubes that are used to empty the urinary bladder and collect urine in a bag. They are often used for ...
#77. Video: Urinary Catheter Care - UCLA Health
Emptying and cleaning a urine collection bag. Identifying and fixing problems. When to call the doctor. Video: Urinary Catheter Care | UCLA Urology ...
#78. Complications - Indwelling Catheters - UroToday
Catheter -Associated Complications, Bacteriuria, Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections, Most bacteria causing CAUTI gain access to the urinary tract ...
#79. 尿管及尿袋照顧(中英文版) @ 長照資源小小站 - 隨意窩
THE CHAPTER ON CARING OF URINARY CATHETER & URINE COLLECTION BAG 尿管及尿袋 ... 照中心下載英文衛教單,因為是全英文的衛教單,因此在這補充中文說明方便對照!
#80. Catheter-associated urinary tract infections - OpenWHO
Catheter -associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) are one of the most common health care-associated infections (HAIs). These infections are most likely ...
#81. Latex Foley (Urine) Catheter - CGA Singapore E-store
Bardia Latex Foley Catheters, manufactured by Bard, are rigid latex catheters coated in a silicone elastic polymer that serves as a hydrophobic...
#82. Care for an Indwelling Urinary Catheter - Cigna
A urinary catheter is a flexible plastic tube that's used to drain urine from the bladder when a person can't urinate. The catheter is placed into the ...
#83. Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary catheters may be necessary for conditions such as an inability to urinate. They are also commonly used to measure urine output when a patient is ...
#84. Urethral Catheter - Eline Medical Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Urethral Catheter is intended to be used in the drainage of urine from the urinary bladder. Product Features. Made from non-toxic, non-irritant, medical grade ...
#86. Urinary Catheter Management | Alberta Health Services
Urinary Catheter Management: All Ages – All Locations.
#87. Urinary Drainage Catheter 5.0Fr | Avanos Medical Devices
The NeoMed Urinary catheter kits is intended for use in neonatal and pediatric patients to sample urine and/or facilitate urinary drainage.
#88. Application of Continuous Quality Improvement in Prevention of ...
We further conducted a targeted surveillance of catheter-associated urinary tract infection, including care implementation rate, the average day of ...
#89. 导尿管Foley 尿道球囊双腔
规格型号:Foley,公司品牌:HAIYAN KANGYUAN MEDICAL INSTRUMENT CO., LTD.。直接联系品牌厂商, ... Suprapubic Silicone Foley Catheter.
#90. Urinary Catheter Materials | Avient
Avient can help you design long-lasting Foley and nelaton urinary catheters using silicone rubber, natural rubber or flexible PVC materials.
#91. Administration of High-Volume Enema Using a Foley Catheter
Start by gathering your supplies — an enema bag, connection device, Foley catheter with balloon, 10 ml luer-locking syringe, lubricating jelly and a tape ...
#92. Chinese patent of anti-infective urinary catheter - 中国组织工程研究
BACKGROUND: Catheter associated urinary tract infection is a difficult problem for clinical practice management, and its key pathogenesis is the bacterial ...
... AND THE UNDEFLATABLE FOLEY URINARY CATHETER BALLOON (1993)_香港中文大学 ... 摘要A rare complication relating to the use of a Foley catheter in the ...
#94. Safety Foley Urinary Catheter - Yintrust - 全球科技成果中文服务平台
A Foley catheter is a twin sterile tube inserted into the bladder for a period of time. It can also be called an in-dwelling catheter.
#95. Indwelling urethral 是 - ALGRAFIX - shop
"indwelling intravenous catheter"中文翻译留置静脉内导管"indwelling urethral catheterization"中文翻译留置尿道导管插入术"indwelling urinary ...
#96. how to place a urinary catheter in a dog Archives - VETgirl
VETgirl Blog: how to place a urinary catheter in a dog. Dec 30, 2016. How to catheterize a male dog for a urine sample | VETgirl Veterinary Continuing ...
urinary catheter中文 在 【台北榮總泌尿部】尿管置入術Foley insertion - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Foley insertion以及相關小技巧此系列影片主要對象為Clerk~PGY,掌握原則後可自行Modify※抓取Penis手勢將於之後上傳連結至說明※**北榮泌尿部影片 ... ... <看更多>